
Monday, November 24, 2014


I decided to host another party for... hmm, let's see... 230,000 views? I don't know, really. :P

Anyway, here it is - the invite. Read through all of it, and make sure you notice that the party will be held at cyacheer's den, not my den. :)


  1. Yay! I hope I can make it! I am grateful for the AJ Whip too! :)

  2. I don't get up until 1:00 PM so I can't make it :(

  3. Ok, that would be 9:00 AM for me. I really want to make it, but I don't think I can. :( If I could make it, it will be the last party I attend before I quit after December.

    1. Aww ca why u leaving I will miss you sooo much !

    2. Yeah, I want to spend the Jamaalidays with my friends on AJ before I quit. I will miss you too, Violet! You were a great friend. In fact, I will miss everybody. I am quitting both AJ and blogging after December. And sorry Arctic, for being an author for just a few months then quitting.

  4. Now I'm sure I can't make it. I'm going to a friend's party on Friday night, and it will go all the way to around 12:00 AM, maybe even later. So I will be too exhausted to get on for the party. Sorry! :(

  5. Yee-haw! I could probably make it! It would be 10: 00 PM for me then. And you all can say a little goodbye to me cuz I am quitting- did I mentioned I am quitting? Well yes, I am.

    1. Seriously!? Why D: We'll all miss you *covers eyes crying*!

    2. You are?!?!?! I'll miss you so much purplestarclub!!!!! I am almost crying right now! D:

    3. I know we don't really talk much but I know who u are its sad to see you go you were such a great Close friend :(

    4. I am shocked! I never saw this coming. D: You were and still are a very good, honest, and loyal friend. You will be missed, and we will remember you always. :(

    5. Aww, I really liked your blog! :(

    6. Thx guys.. Its just my studies and school... that are making me quit..

  6. I'll see if I could make it. My schedule is messed up right now...


  7. 2 JAMMERS in this post are quitting!!!!!! Why so many quitters!!!

    1. Ikr it seems like everybody's quitting nowadays! :(

      And then there's me. *awkward silence* ..... Well.. Okay then.. o-o XD

  8. I can't come. Sorry, Faria. It'd be midnight here.

    Congrats upon 230k!


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