
Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Exclusion & Taffy Machine

I have two things to say, since I'm sort of bored. First of all, look above. ^^ Everyone says only seals can break the ice, it's impossible to break the ice nonetheless. All she's doing up there is excluding all the other animals.

And lastly, do any of you have a taffy machine from Bitter Sweets? I never won that prize before they took the Adventure down. If you have one, I'd be happy to offer for it! :)

Now I will get ready for tennis lessons. It's freezing outside. D:


  1. That seal is acting mean D:...


  2. I have a taffy machine! Though maybe you can offer for it tomorrow cause I'm off for the day now.

  3. Yep, it's freezing alright! It's 27 degrees Fahrenheit where I live! And a Taffy machine? Cool, I heard about it on Wolfpaw's blog!

    1. Luckyyyyyy! It's been pretty warm where I live. :P It's gotten a bit chilly but not too much. Then again, I live where it, ahem, doesn't snow. .-.

    2. Actually, not really. It's so cold! *Update* It's 17 degrees Fahrenheit where I live. I can barely spend 10 seconds outside!

    3. And also, if gets too cold (which is happening where I live) there will be no snow. And I think it got colder this year. It's only November and it's so cold, too cold for snow! :(

  4. Actually it is supposed to be only seals who can break the ice (if it is breakable) since they're "native" to Mt. Shiveer.

    1. Okay, well, since it's not breakable YET, that probably isn't the case, but okay.

    2. Yesterday, AJHQ wrote a pop-up on your screen telling you to go break the ice in Mt. Shiveer. I have a screenshot of it. Still, nobody has ever broken the ice before.

  5. NAFFY HELP I WAS HACKED DX all my gems, buddies,and items are GONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~Repti

    1. Oh-no, I'm so sorry to hear that! I've been hacked once before. One thing that reallly gets on my nerves is when hackers hack you, they not only take your items, but they also delete your buddies.

  6. Hurhurhur, TAFFY machine.... NAFFY machine... Hehe...

  7. Where I live, we haven't had snow outside of January for six years, and it snowed today.


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