
Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Voting Day #2

Hey! I would have posted earlier (in fact, that was my original plan), but I got surprised with so much homework that it would squish an elephant. D:

Anyway, it looks like Enchanted Arcticwolf has been voted out. Your outfit was great, though! I like the wings. Speaking of which, does anyone have any leftover Rare Cupid Wings they'd like to trade? I never thought I'd want them until now. I procrastinate sometimes. DX

(The Eyeless Fox)

Okay. You may see a new little friend up there. By mistake, I somehow forgot to add Wolfhead's entry in (the Eyeless Fox), so  now she takes a place in the competition.

Alright, let's conduct the same procedure as yesterday. Begin voting!


  1. I vote out Miss Berryotter. I'm sorry to whoever you are.

  2. I know you said I could vote for my favorite, but would my vote even count since I am voting in a different way than anyone else?

    1. Hmm... we'll figure something out. Maybe I can put a "free life" kind of thing next to their score, so that they can use a free pass to stay in for the next round if they get chosen by you. Something like that.

    2. Cool idea! I like it! :D

  3. Mhm..... How many of you are going as angels this year or have gone as an angel? It's a halloween costume it may not be spooky but it still one and I'm in a really bad mood right now.

    1. Hiphopbunny, one of the rules was to be a good sport, because there will always be new contests to enter. Sure, your costume was great! A lot of people liked your costume, but it wasn't exactly spooky. Maybe next time you will win!

    2. Yea no one likes angels im sure sorry im just in a bad mood

  4. I vote out Happy Magicpuppy

  5. i vote= head monster (at bottom)

    'cause its not very halloween-eey

    - <3 rascal <3

  6. I vote out Lucky Bravesun. Sorry whoever you are. :C

    1. meep :( what ever i dont care XD XD XD

  7. *RANT TIME*

    So, today I went to Spirit Halloween. Living in a giant city, this, surprisingly is the only halloween store I can go to in my borough. Anyway... I go in, and theres some small child using all of the annoying "demo displays."

    Annoying may be an understatement.

    OMG Halloween stores are so annoying.

    Hey, at least I'm not one of those illogical Manhattanite's kids who's father won't let them out of their High-Rise to go get candy because of "safety concerns."


    TL;DR: Spirit Halloween is annoying as heck.

  8. I vote out the head monster dude. The one with the icy blue pumpkin head

  9. i vote out blossom silly ivy sorry!

  10. I vote out blossom silly ivy

  11. I vote out blossom silly ivy too.
    Sorry! D:

  12. I vote out Tig (Lucky Bravesun).

    1. how do you know my nick name O,O
      - a freaked out tiggy

  13. I also vote out the otter on top. Not really a spooky costume there.


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