
Saturday, October 4, 2014

Disappearance of the Horse Coins

Yes, it's true. Horse Coins are now "extinct". Hmm, there's got to be a better word for that...

Anyway, it all started when WisteriaMoon was chillaxing at her den. All of a sudden, WootMoo randomly popped in and asked if she had any spare Horse Coins. Wisteria replied, "Yes, two, actually." Wisteria checked her inventory for the coins, but they were nowhere to be found.

Frantically, she kept on checking, but the Horse Coins were missing. She obviously wasn't hacked because the rest of her items were there. Hackers don't usually just take one or two items- they take all they can get.

Unfortunately, Wisteria was a little upset and I KNOW there are more out there that are depressed, too.

Nobody is sure why exactly they were deleted. Good thing I gave mine away for something else.

Tip: If you ever have a strange item that's unreleased, there's a chance it will be wiped off the face of Jamaa. So, if you can, trade it! And then there's also the downside... :c

Welp, bye to Horse Coins!

(In this video the AJW is featured.... o.o)


  1. O,O my bff told me that wootmoo went to her den to trade her (randomly) its scary because how did he know her!

    1. They're friends? Wisteria is sort of famous and so is WootMoo...

    2. no my friend is not buddy's with wootmoo

    3. I meant Wisteria was buddies with Woot -.-

  2. Replies
    1. In the post I specifically stated I traded mine :/

    2. Right.

      I forgotten you planned on trading it.

      Was it to... eyetoy? I think he/she had one. Or it was Dew/Bally. Urgh. I can't remember.

  3. That stinks. I was hoping to get a horse coin.
    ~ another average jammer

  4. Replies
    1. I don't need to give you credit. I was up last night watching Wisteria's video. Then that's when you commented.

  5. Naffpy PINKY QUIT :'( WWWWWWAAAAA!!!!!

  6. Interesting, I wouldn't know because I gave mine away to Bally

  7. Some hackers - well, at any rate, the one who was hacking everyone - only take some items. The rare ones. Because they think it's "cool" and they don't need to. They're "above" taking small rares.

    1. I guess that's true, but not many hackers are like that.

  8. This is still confusing what are horse coins lol

  9. vegeta1233 still has his


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