
Friday, September 26, 2014


YES!!! I CAN GET ON MY MAIN ACCOUNT NOW!!! So that means the party will be at MY den, just like any regular day! YIPPEE!!!!


  1. oh fudge yes i can make it thank you cheer people!!!!!

  2. Yay!! I'm going to be the golden bunny with the founders hat just so you know who I am. :)

  3. Yay! The party is starting in 5 minutes!! :D

  4. Omg taco is just a lier you know how he said he deleted the cookie portal well if it was deleted it wouldn't exist when u search it but I searched and it still exists why IS TACO EVEN ON AJ HES NOT DESERVED TO BE ON AJ

    1. I deserve to be on aj equally as anyone. Violet would you LAY OFF?

    2. Taco is a human being with feelings just as us. Maybe he doesn't deserve to be pushed off a cliff. He just needs to change his actions.

    3. Which I have. Now its your turn violet.

    4. Omg what did I do stop bullying me and other people

    5. "Taco you don't deserve to be on AJ"! "Taco get pushed off a cliff"
      "Tacobrat"! "Taco is bullying me and commenting on my blog!" (No I'm not) Yup. That's a short list offs few things you've said :3

    6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    7. :sigh: Fine. Copy pasting comments time. The following are all comments that CA made to me prior to that. "Taco, I hope you fall off a skyscraper, get run over, fall off a cliff, and live to feel the pain"
      "Taco, you dont belong here, get off this blog you idiot!"
      "Tacobrat, taconat, taco BLAHBLAHBLAH"
      Funny how you removed all those comments right before commenting my comment so I couldnt come back with YOURS.

    8. Also, that was after I decided to treat all my haters like this :3 Treat others how you wanna be treated. Now back off.

    9. This comment has been removed by the author.

    10. This comment has been removed by the author.

    11. You need work on your Italian or your a hypocrit

    12. Umm... "hasta la vista" is Spanish, not Italian.

  5. Noooooooo!! I'm so sorry I missed it! I was on my phone watching the clock turn 5:00 but I still couldn't get on because I was at a fall event! :( Well, I hope you guys all had a good time! :D

  6. ...

    It's just that... parties.

    Have fun.

    P.S. Faria, I like that new banner. Although it reminds me of a childhood movie.

  7. Sorry I left so early, the usual got to me

  8. NAFFY I need to talk to u on aj tomorrow

  9. Taco check out my latest post on my blog and also for the apology I want it to be on here thanks!

  10. Zios knows what Taco has done, but I think we should give him a second chance :3

    We can't see from everyone's perspective, and who knows who Taco is or what he is going through? Mistakes happen, and we should be wary of him but not be directly rude. Taco has broken the comment rules, and your breaking them to. If you must have an epic duel, get it off anyone's blog.
    "...The past is in the past! Let it go, let it go! I know, the song is overused but it makes a point. Sorry Naffy for all your drama.

    Suzi00, author of

    1. It's okay, honestly. But the difficult thing is, we've given him over three chances during the summer. This may just be his fourth and final chance. I wish we could all forget Taco and start over.

    2. And those past three times, Taco hasn't quite figured out how to "let it go". He needs some Elsa prep training...


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