
Monday, September 8, 2014


Yeah... I feel guilty for who knows why. >.<

So, if anyone knows why, there's your apology. CB

Oh, here's a few graphics I made. :)

I re-did the last one because the previous background was black and not transparent. :U


  1. You posted just 10 minutes ago! XD Nice graphics!

    I'm going to make an AJ email too! :)

  2. Nafaria.... We should talk again sometime. I've been away from AJ a while because of school :)

  3. Nafaria what do u use to edit pictures and stuff

    1. Me too!!!! But I'm stuck cause how do u add more then one picture to the cancas

  4. Ok, I bet I think I know how you feel. Because I did it once. XD It's like a guilty feeling when you say you're quitting and then people say kind things and are sad that you are quitting. And it turns out that you're not quitting. So you sort of feel like you made it, that's not the right words. Idk. XD

  5. I'm kind of jealous how everyone else has something for everything while I only use MS Paint and MS Word for everything.


    Somehow I feel fab that way. XDD

  6. hiya! i use pixlr too, but how do u get the backgrounds to be transparent and not white?

  7. oh, and i am super happy u are not REALLY quitting! yay! :D


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