
Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Creativity Within

Hey. Today's new item is a Graham Portrait, studded with gems and a dainty key hanging off the side.

Sold for 400 gems, this is the second-to-last Alpha Portrait to be made. c:

Have you noticed how much creativity was put into creating Animal Jam?

Take Mira and Zios for example.

Ideas from different animals or cultures may have been their inspiration, but don't you wish you could have thought of that? ^o^ The guardians that watch over us in Jamaa are certainly mystifying and beautiful, artwise.

We can't leave out the Alphas.

Too imaginative!

What other detailed things can you spot in this magnificent game?

Alright, bye-bye!


  1. Ahhh!! Somebody is impersonating me on the JCSI! Please stop that, whoever you are!
    -ca1412 (the real one)

    1. This is insane! First Repti, then Victory, now you!? You didn't do anything, anyway! Why must everything be so difficult!? >:O

  2. It is amazing, how much heart and soul was put into the making of Animal Jam.

  3. I'm the mist beautiful thing in Jamaa.
    Don't argue with me.



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1. No swearing. The Animal Jam Whip needs to be kept a clean, safe environment for everyone to enjoy.
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3. No spamming. Spamming takes up space and makes the comment area/chat area messy.
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