
Saturday, August 30, 2014

My Favorite Foods


  1. lol YUMMY! LUV ALL THAT STUFF TOO XD especially nutella and mac and cheese and chico cookies!!

  2. Wow, your favorite foods are almost like mine! Cool! Now my stomach is rumbling. XD

  3. You know what I've been craving ALL day? Mini Wheats.

  4. i loooove these foods too naffy, but i dont like the peaches.. hehe

  5. and the chocolate spread so yummy!!!!! im gonna eat it roght now! and im gonna eat that!!

  6. Chocolate milk. Nutella. Cookie dough. Ice cream sandwiches. Rolls. Steak. Yussssssss Nafi I have almost the same taste buds as you


  7. Nutella is good and all, but have you tried Crumpy?

    Chocolate and white chocolate with hazelnut. Delicious!

  8. Brooooke1234, if you're reading this, sorry about not answering your JAG. I was busy trading with Violet. Ok, so which glove do you want? I own a collection of gloves. I have black glove, red glove, blue glove, yellow glove, green glove, purple glove, pink glove, freedom glove, and white glove. Which do you want? I'll tell you what I want the glove. It depends on what glove you want though, so tell which glove you want. Ok? Thanks!

  9. nutella! *heavy breathing*

  10. Hey guys, happy Labor Day! No school today! Yay! :D

  11. Nutella is the BEST thing ever :D


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