
Monday, March 10, 2014

Flags 'n Mist

Hallo! Today's RIM is the black and red Rare Flag.

I sorta like it. I wish I had more time than I really do to post, so this has to be quick.

A little update on Misty: it appears that hive309 is Misty's DAD. o_o Uhm... okay? Well, that does explain how hive309 has a Facebook account, like wingofthesun said.

Well, anyways, some of my buddies think the hacker is now after Miscievious and I. Meh, hackers. >.< I don't care if I get hacked, though, but what about Miscievious? I hope if she does get hacked, she's okay! And I certainly don't want ANYBODY to get hacked.

I can't exactly put all of these pieces together right now in such limited time, so we'll get it sorted out later. Kapeesh?

'Kay, bye!


  1. Yo naffy sorry for the misunderstanding Xd
    quitting aj

    1. its my dad's blogger

    2. i dont have a blogger and i cant use my dads accidentaly used it no email yet

  2. If your misty than comment as your goggle acc of misty, - from a guy who might just happen to probably know who this scammer is and will gladly help naffaria should she ask for it :P

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. I don't careif i get hacked.(though it would suck). And whoever that hacker is, STOP DOING THIS! Its not funny. Its creeping me and nafaria out. So please, i am asking you nicely, DONT DO THIS ANYMORE! I am quitting animal jam, many of you may not know. I am quitting in april, so i better enjoy it while it lasts. I dont want my last memory of animaljam, me getting hacked.

    3. Dear miscievous, I want as much help as I can with this project, This saturday and Bakoy server 10 A.M EST I am hosting a anti scamming protest, not with me as the leader, I want nafaria to lead it.

  3. Her dad plays Animal Jam??????? 0_0









    1. fuzzheadlola (or is it) dun-dun-dun!! XDMarch 10, 2014 at 7:25 PM

      dont spam...

  4. Hive309 is Misty's dad... Yeah, that does explain why he has a Facebook! And hacker, you better back off. I've been hacked before, and it's not a nice way to end your day. And hacking is against the law. Hacking is bad, no matter how you look at it. It hurts. So back off.

    1. i agree wing i will say my story on how i was hacked if i have more time

  5. Um misty why don't comment on your normal accouunt? And don't you find it important to tell us why you got hacked? Also, if being hacked wasn't so important,, then why don't you have more time to tell us about it?


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