
Monday, February 3, 2014

Posting.... .-.

Hello people of the universe. I'm here to tell you I can never post. I'm always too tired in the mornings!!!! I can't control it-I wish to go to bed earlier, but I've tried that and I still. Can't. Ever. Wake. UP! And without a good post I can't make a good blog. All of my posts are so unorganized and stuff and... ugh.

Well, you get the idea. Gotta run to piano lessons. *sigh*


  1. Aww, Nafaria, it'll be ok. Just post when you can!

  2. It's ok nafaria no one's perfect! Post whenever u feel like it ^.^ it won't bother be if u don't post for a month! ~DogLover1230~

  3. Have author try outs!!!!!!!!

    1. I don't know.... my blogger account uses my mom's email. I don't own an email for myself, just for safety reasons. So no authors-sorry. :(

  4. NAFARIA9! Your posts are not unorganized they are amazing. Also when posting you don't always have to make it so interesting. All you have to do is just post a pic or the new item and say the item name then say what you think about it.

    I want you to keep blogging

  5. *Sad face* I love this blog. Always post. Just post when you can. We understand. Hey, that kinda rhymes! Anyways, I understand, I don't have an email either, not even a blogger account. Um, ya, waffles.

    1. I know this is pretty off-topic to you, WolfPaws... but... WAFFLED IS LE BEST :-D! *Clears throat*


  6. It's okay if you don't wake up early enough to post. I have to make mine at 6:20 AM. XD
    You could try posting after school, when it's convenient. With my busy schedule, I have to do that sometimes.
    Oh, and I take piano too. :D

  7. No offense but maybe I could apply as an author?

    1. I bet you'd be an EXCELLENT author, but sadly I cannot take authors besides me. :(

  8. That's why I don't post in the morning. :) Just post when you can! Even if you don't post in the morning, I'll still read your posts! :)


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