
Saturday, January 11, 2014

Snow Boots

Hi Jammers! I'm sorry for the late post. I slept in today, and it seems like my cold is gradually get worse. Blech!

Today's new item is a pair of Snow Boots!

They're pretty cute and great for hiking in Mt. Shiveer, but they seem to fit for younger Jammers

Huh.... there's not much to talk about. o_o


File:Kim 2010 Olympic FS.jpg

It's really fun. :3

Well, I've got to make a trip to the bathroom, so....



  1. Hope you get better soon!

  2. Ooh. Hope you feel better soon! :( YES! My two favorite winter sports are skiing, and ice skating. I was wondering if you would check out my party invitation on my blog. :) It's the Animal Jam Arrow, if you forgot. Lolz. :D Oh btw, I loved the stories your wrote lately! They were really well written! I liked the Captain Sillybird one the best. Well, happy Jamming!


  3. I like to ice skate! But I'm very pathetic at it.

  4. Colds are terrible... Hope you get better soon! And I LOVE to ice skate, although I happen to be quite bad at it!

  5. you should make a new contest! like maybe a bunny ban contest like from the animal jam non member, only there are first, second, and third place prizes. or, you can do a raffle, like from the animal jam rant! :3 and maybe make the prizes rares so more people will want to win :D only i you want though.


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