
Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Big Pine Trees and Dreams

I am SO, SO, SO sorry for not posting in the past day or two. I have been very busy lately. Yesterday I had swimming practice at 4:30-7:00 pm, and today I will be skiing. I have a lot of homework due soon.... and I need to get my booty on it!

Today's new item is a Big Pine Tree. GIF from Animal Jam Roar.
This tree reminds me of those crooked trees in Whoville (Dr. Suess). XD

Hmm..... last night I had a LONG nightmare that a miniature Fman got inside our house. He was in the form of a small rodent, like a house mouse, and no matter what cheese we fed him he just kept getting bigger. Then I finally made him a deal-if he'd stop hacking and leave my house, I'd promise to not say a word of his appearance to anyone else. (aka my blog). I THINK he accepted it.... but he returned with this doll and it was all getting weird.... thankfully I woke up.

That's the Whip.



  1. HELP! i got hacked and now my blue pirate sword, my bat wings and my blue bow are gone can you please help me please! so sad that i lost most of my rares please help!!!!!!

    1. biamorawesome :-DMay 4, 2014 at 8:00 PM

      I am SOOOO sorry for you, Misty! But I know you'll get better items! :-)!



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