
Monday, November 4, 2013

Rare Shark Tooth, Party, and SNOW!

Hey Jammers of all ages! :P Today's Rare Item Monday! The RIM today is a Rare Shark Tooth Necklace, which is sold in Bahari Bargains.


Quite cool, if you ask me. Sadly it's Member-only. :(

Speaking of Non-Member rights, it's Non-Member Month! Try to help a Non-Member by giving them a colored item of their choice.You can also dress Non-Member all month! I'm being Sparkle Daringstone ALL NOVEMBER in my Non-Member outfit. ^.^

Anyway, it SNOWED yesterday! :D

(Random photo.)
Unfortunately the snow melted..... :(

Anyway! The contest is now available to enter! Oh, yeah, and here's the party invitation:

Hmm....should I continue doing JOTW and WAF? I mean, I always forget. :T Plus, what's the meaning of it? It's just giving out compliments to certain people when you can give them compliments on AJ. I'll skip JOTW and WAF this week, and give it some thought.

And last but not least a glitch!

This person looked like she/he was playing Tic Tac Toe, and her avatar was in a Sky High position. Weird.

That's the Whip!


  1. Snow is always nice! It snowed last week where I am. Not enough to coat anything though. It was just a nice flurry. Also I will hopefully be able to come to the party! - xXRobinHoodXx

  2. It doesn´t snow much here in Brussels :)

    MythCat2907 STILL too lazy to sign in XD

  3. :( I can't come to the party it would be about 2:am here in the uk , so sorry

  4. Where I live, if it snows, everybody freaks out :P MT means mountain time right? I don't know these things. Hopefully, I can come to the party! I would also like to thank you for joining and commenting on my blog, it really makes me feel good:)

    1. You're welcome! :) And yeah, MT does mean Mountain time.

  5. Rosy TheWolf is a non mem!! I will leave her like that all month!!

  6. OK, I will have to hold my WindClan with Happy braveclaws...
    I cannot wait for December.
    THAT'S when it snows where I live

  7. Nafa... would you mind mentioning my contest on your blog? :3


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