
Monday, November 11, 2013

I'm sorry, guys.

I'm really sorry I'm quitting. I guess I was kind of angry at the moment when I did that post. :( Anyway, to assure you, I won't be on as often as I would for the next few days. I'm terribly sorry I frightened you all like that. >.< I have had quite a bit of homework lately, and it might take a while. Boring homework at that, which no kid like me would enjoy. *rolls eyes at the thought of boring homework*

I won't be posting for the next few days because my parents supposedly changed my Animal Jam password because they think it might get in the way of my plan to complete my homework by Wednesday. I freaked out when I tried to enter my password in earlier because I thought I had been hacked or my account was glitch-locked.

Oh,'s hard as a rock, and it was meant to be that way. :(


  1. Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry Nafaria! :( that must have been REALLY REALLY scary when you typed your password in and it didn't work. D: I will miss you so much! You are my BFF! When will you probably be back? I hope soon! I really miss you already! :( :( :( D: D:


  2. Once before, a couple months ago, in Spring, I overheard my Mom telling my Sister that she was going to change my password! I was like :OOOO!! I really freaked out, because back then, I hardly went on AJ! So, i went and changed my password again. I just really freaked out. Luckily, she never asked me my password. I really was scared so i freaked out at that moment and changed it. Later, I heard her talking to my Sis and, and she said she couldn't find it out. But idk how she would have told me that she changed my password. I think she would have not told me. I probably would have thought i was HACKED! I felt so mad. I know how angry you must feel.


    1. When did you join AJ

    2. Last year. XD


  3. I'm so sorry Nafaria! I know how annoying life and school gets. Al you want to do is collapse on the couch and say, "I'm done!" But I really do hope you will return, I just got to know you and you are really awesome! I hope to see you blogging again, if not, I wish you the best of luck in life!

  4. ;( that's what I feel . Is this the end of AJ whip please say know. Will you still be on AJ . I'm gonna miss you . Meet you on AJ
    Blueberryb who will miss you sooooo much

  5. I have lots of homework too , it's really annoying I in uk , i in year7 where we get about 30 mins of homework at night. On Friday I had to complete a large project that was due into day , teachers think we have all the time in the world to do homework when we don't . Teachers need to let us have free time :0
    Blueberryb who luckily has no homework to do today

  6. Nooooo!!!
    Don't quit! Try contacting AJHQ and talk to your parents... And most importantly, keep your grades up!!!


    Why are all the bloggers that are awesome I know are quitting???

  7. my parents changed my AJ password 4 times but in the end i always figured them out. Also i'm so sorry to hear that you can't play AJ. Maybe if you ask your parents to let you on they might that's what my parents did.-cyacheer

  8. Don't worry guys, I'll be back on very soon. This is not a permanent quit, trust me. =)

    Blueberry, this is definitely NOT the end of my blog nor me. ^.^

    Hmm, now that I think about it, I'm in a much happier mood now that I get to read all your interesting comments. :3

    Oh, and, at times I MAY be able to log on after I finished some of my homework, so it'll be okay.

    I haven't left you yet.


    1. whew!
      -Camp (Camp2014)

    2. Thanks :)

    3. Nuuu!
      Otherwise I could've hacked into chu account and get betas!! XD XD XD XD XD XD XD

      MythCat2907 (don't worry I don't hack :P)

  9. Nuu! D:
    Keep your head up Nafi, we all love chu! And come back soon. :)


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