
Friday, July 19, 2013

Monthly Member Gifts Record

Member gifts MONTHLY MEMBER GIFTS RECORDMember gifts 

June 2011:
Dragon, Legendary, Mummy, and Lava Gloves
July 2011:
The Claw
August 2011:
Spiked Collars/Wristbands
September 2011:
Weather Clouds
October 2011:
Caged/Trapped Phantom
November 2011:
Bubbletron 5,000
December 2011:
Gingerbread House Den
January 2012:
New Year's Party Hat
February 2012:
Giant Lion Plushie
 March 2012:
Elf Tail Armor
April 2012:
Hot Chocolate Machine 
May 2012:
Phantom Invasion
 June 2012:
Golden Member Gloves
July 2012:
Nature Archway
August 2011: 
Golden Phantom Statue
September 2012:
Pet Monkey
October 2012:
Pet Tarantula
November 2012:
Pet Fox
December 2012:
Re: Gingerbread House
January 2013:
Pet Owl
February 2013:
Pet Tiger
March 2013:
Pet Arctic Wolf
April 2013:
Spirit Armor and Helmet
May 2013:
Spirit Glove

Images from Feelers and MisterChunkyBuddy.


  1. You forgot the Spirit Helmet :3

    1. I put Spirit Helmet on there. It came along with the Spirit Armor.

    2. Ive got a lava glove and some people i meet say its not even close to being as rare as a spike! So if anyone is reading this and has a spike and wants a lava glove just trade me! User: Doogal

    3. AJ doesn't give monthly member gifts anymore apparently.

    4. yea i don't get them

  2. now I know! some gloves are rarer than spikes! I should share this so I can get a spike. Thanks nafaria9!

  3. I told my friend that the first monthly member gifts were rarer Than spikes and she said to me
    "Your crazy" And i told herl ook up the blog and she STILL didnt believe me!

    1. Your friend is in denile because she probably has a spike lol


  4. I really want a purple dragon glove.-cyacheer

    1. Hi cyacheer! I just wanted to let you know that I have a purple lava glove and you may offer if u don't already have 1! My username is xxfrostcatxx with all lowercase x's on animal jam. So if u would like to offer, just send me a jam-a-gram telling so! And I leave my den unlocked mostly ALL the time so when u read the comments again for a reply, u got me. So yea! Again, my username is xxfrostcatxx with lowercase x's... Bye!!

  5. do u control rare item Monday?

  6. I just want to say, I started feeding the fish and its awesome BTW I rated 7 stars no... I did 8 stars XD

  7. I have the claw. :3
    And also the bubbletron.
    I like the bubbletron. The bubbles look like liquid sugar, if that makes any sense at all. :P
    I have the gingerbread house, too, but on my old, nonmember account. :'(

    1. I have the lava glove
      And also the spirit glove (from evythecutie)
      I agree about the bubbletrons. They do look like liquid sugar.
      I have 6 freedom helmets which i cherish.

  8. I wish they still gave out member gifts!

  9. Dragon gloves are rarer than spikes it's just ppl overrate them

  10. I wonder why they stopped monthly member gifts... Hmm...

    1. It's a sad story. They stopped them after the Diamond Shop arrived, and they said a new item, pet or animal would be in the shop every month.

      I miss MMG. :(

    2. They said it was a way to get the color GIFT you wanted!! GIFT!!! What's a gift if you have to buy it with something that's almost impossible to get? :(

  11. I always wanted a claw not because of rarity just because well I LOVE plushie lol and phantom plushie but even though people decline my trades one day I'll get it ^.^ ~DogLover1230~ Jam on

  12. i have a lava glove EVRYONE wants it it was from a non fair trade but i took it my black legend (fro the dimond shop)For someones blue lava glove ADD ME!!!!~ blackstarwarrior

    1. i still have it i will put it on trade my den is ALWAYS locked and empty without things in it If ur intristed in a lvava glove just jam-a-gram meh!!!! ~blackstarwarrior

  13. Hi Jammers! If anyone here has a founder or rare spike Plz let meh know! I have a beta tiara and a lava glove and a lot of other items I can trade! Plz reply and/or message meh! And thx for the AMAZING blog, Nafaria! Jam on! Also I'm dhjkb on aj C:

    1. Hay what for your blue bow I will give my..
      orange bow--- and a spike xollar bot rare XD
      Im... bergenham... on aj

    2. Naffy, can you maybe delete this post? I don't really like rare spikes and back when I posted this I wanted to get some certain items for that I have already obtained :) Thanks!

    3. I have a founder. His name is Fred. Fred is not for trade. I like Fred, and pie. Oh look, I just ate Fred. Oops.



  14. Replies
    1. Thx Nafaria! Would u maybe b interested in my offer? It's okay if not :) ~dhjkb

  15. I really want all that stuff! to bad I didn't play in the beta days. my
    AJ user is pshalb by the way

    1. Not trying to brag, but i was in BETA days :3
      P.s. buddy me plz

  16. do u have a cami frog? of so what for it?

  17. I have three archways i traded for the last two i have spring flower,frozen,and lava

    1. LUCKY! I've been trying to get some but not a lot of ppl want to trade theirs.

  18. i wish i was on in beta days

  19. Buddy meh and send meh items im...

  20. lol, super annoying cuz the members gifts stopped a month before i became a member XD
    I really wanted the nature archway!

  21. someone please trade me a mummy glove i have a bow and other stuff i'm only trading clothes! - popy2750

  22. Thats not fair because we dont get member gifts anymore!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Yes, I think it's because AJHQ are bums. -Popy2750

  23. I Remember these days.. so many ppl would ask me how i got my Pet Arctic Wolf/Tiger. O.o I told someone how, and they said "NO SUCH THING!!!!!!!! >:U " XD i thought it was hilarious.... They thought i was a Hacker 0-0 ~Lotachocolate

  24. i was wondering if anyone had a blue lava glove for trade. user: barbie0502. i'm also looking for jamaaliday bows! ty~barbie0502

  25. I hate how AJHQ remade the Spirit Armor and created a set of it in the Diamond Shop. I still have my original April 2013 Spirit Armor, but my Spirit Glove got hacked. I remember having a Bubbletron 5000 and a Rare Party hat but I deleted them.. So stupid XD

  26. Hai! If anyone is willing to trade a spike collar for the claw, reply to this of jam a gram me on aj! My username on animal jam is wildbutter! Also list the color! ( I'm not rare so this would RLLY help me! Thx!)


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