
Thursday, June 20, 2013

Phoenix Corners

Hello, jammers! THREE new items today! Some of you know that instead of the den shop, there used to be an art shop called Coral Corners. A few of these items have returned in stores today! I'm pretty sure some jammers will be sad because their pottery wheel is no longer "rare". But anyway!

Anyway, there's a few new things in the Diamond Shop! The music, Mystical Morning, came out, along with a Phoenix Costume set! Shouldn't have bought those wings...well, I'll spend my next week diamond on the music :)

That's basically it! Jam on and Whip on!


  1. Hi nafaria! I would really like to follow this blog, but there isn't a followers gadget yet, and I think that could really boost your views!!
    ~pupp1266~ (who is really that bored, that she put the squiggly lines by her name)

    1. -sighs- Whenever I try to put up that darn followers gadget, it always says the URL doesn't match or something. I need help!

    2. But you're always welcome to follow Planet Pawz!


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