
Friday, May 31, 2013

Not JUST a scammer and hacker...

If you've read the Scammers and Hackers! tab, you'll know who Solidblue02 is. Except, he's not even Solidblue02 anymore! He's traded everything from this account to his next account, which is of the user "dens". Odd, huh? Clever and sneaky little thing.

Most of you know that he's a MAJOR scammer and hacker. He hacks items from other accounts, steals the accounts, and has scammed MANY jammers.

But that's not all he does.

Tikibird141, you may want to include this top-secret information on your "watch blog".



Here's how I know he does this:

It was a lovely day's afternoon. Me, nafaria9, had just finished playing in Jamaa for a while. I wanted to search up an AJ blog, so I searched up, I looked around this blog, and although it had lots of information on this well-known hacker, I wanted to learn more.

So I searched for "solidblue02 animal jam", and a few YouTube videos came up along with a couple of blog articles. I clicked on a random one, which was by the name of The Awesome Animal Jam Blog! and it brought me to the blog. Of all the wonderful posts, one caught my eye that basically had 3 comments begging for mercy (copied word for word):

LOL!!!! My animal jam username is solidblue02 and i just hacked this blog and wow it completely really totally sucks a big one. Your nam is Peter Griffin really?!? Nope! So anyways add me on animal jam once again I am silverblue02!!!! This blog sucks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Get off our blog, you rat!

The other 2 were deleted.

Oh. My. Goodness.

I feel SO TERRIBLE for these kids!!!

And guess what?

That was their last post. It ended on a Saturday, June 2. In 2012.

BAD spelling and grammar, solid. Your username isn't even silverblue02!!!

I hate this person!

Report (you don't have to):





Thank you!

And show sympathy for these jammers whose lives were miserable from that day on!

Show sympathy if you really like this blog.

Show sympathy for them for me.

Show sympathy cause their epic blog was hacked LAST SUMMER!!!!!!!

By that stupid rat.


  1. This guy hacked so well he is a sad freak.

    1. I know. My good friend Meloetta385 and awsomeguy942 were hacked. It was either him or this guy named Taxe.

    2. i got hacked a while ago and since then i cant keep anything i buy in game for more than a day

      all my diamonds gone all gems gone :(

  2. My friend called AJ and said to ban Solidblue02 but Solidblue02 hacked AJ and did not get banned!

    1. Sometimes AJHQ can't do anything about hackers. Of course they'll suspend as much as they can, but designing a game is hard. My mom and dad were both engineers, but I don't think I have their talented-blood. -sighs- I wish they would ban dens (who used to be Solidblue)

  3. I'm cutiepie24026 and i want to ban them though i cna't because im not ajhq!!! >:UUUUUUU

  4. Taxe and dens are freaks. They are no hearted people who have no life in their life. ( I am sooooooo sorry if i break the rules DX ) They BOTH SCAM (They both have backups where they scam and stuff) (Idk bout Taxe but..) Dens hacks..... UHfi kufhdgi uksyhngtr7i uksyxdngbinYUKGNIUKYGS7ITU45HG8BIVSUK4Y6G5INS7MY6UHIUKVDHIV so much madness on AJ. Its not even a kids game anymoreeeeee!

    1. You said it. Animal Jam is meant for little kids, but teenagers have overcome it! *_<

  5. I looked at the blog and one of the comments said 'Yay Soild!You go!' Their name was N Coleman and i think this is how to get to their accont : just sad,how many people scam and hack.Soild and Fman ,they think that just because their on the computer , no ones going to get effected by their cruelty.I think animal jam is just becoming a bullies playground.

    I dispair,AJ should get rid of hackers for good ,not just giving them a 3 day ban


  6. Nyny56 here and why did these rotten hackers do this to the lowest of age 4 yrs. and up! these people should be banned for like 1,000,000,000,000 years!!! >:T


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