
Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Mysterious Coral Canyons

Welcome, dear friend. You are reading a legend foretold that, therefore, many jammers in Jamaa disbelieve. But some, well, jammers, believe that the clues are true. You hold its fate.

Have you ever visited Coral Canyons? It's a marvelous place, I should say. It's a hot, sandy, and filled with amazing wildlife.

You can shop at Epic Wonders, a mysterious cave shop uncovered with amazing, but expensive, items. From golden thrones to samurai swords, there's nothing you can't be attached to.

Need a new den? The quickest way to get one is to head over to the shop. You'll have to climb up a few rocks, sure, but it's worth the journey.

Yet there's an art to this canyon, but this isn't the beautiful landscape. It's the Art Shop, where you can paint, color, and potter with tools and brushes. Why not give it a go?

The river that runs through Jamaa, left unnamed, created a pool with a game called Long Shot. But don't forget Best Dressed, where you can dress up yourself according to the theme of the round.

Now for landscape.

A waterfall, a arch?


An arch.

You see, legend has it that if you and other animals break the arch, you'll fall. But where? Into what? What mysterious place is covered? Are the animals hopping on it to this day covering the entrance with the chunks of sandstone they break from this bridge?

Nobody, not even AJHQ, will or can't tell us. But we've been given clues. That is what matters.

Imagine this: If you were low on gems (the currency of Jamaa), you'd want to first head to Best Dressed. So you head over there and look at the door. It has a wolf carved on it. You ignore everything else in view but that carving.

What can this carving tell us? If tons of animals are jumping on the arch, you can see that the chunks of rock fall behind that door. Is there something to do with the game BD, or is it a clue for what animal can only enter?

When it seems like millions but it literally isn't-jammers-jump on the bridge, sometimes about 5 or 6 eagles will arise from below. What does this mean? The eagles come and go quickly. What clue do the eagles bring us? Usually 1 is left behind. Does this mean 1 third of the jammers in Jamaa will get the chance to encounter what mystery this bridge brings us?

Like before, nobody knows.

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