
Friday, February 15, 2013

Nothing Much.

Hope you had a nice Valentine's day! Today Heart Antennaes and Heart Glasses are out in stores. They aren't new, for they once were out, as well with the Rose Boquet and Cherry Tree. Anyway, I figured out the prize for the new journey book page. It's a paradise throne. It's pretty tall. Nothing much to say.

Webkinz has kind of changed. I dislike the new map thing because I can't fit every single building on there and the roads and plants are discouraged. I don't know whether you guys like it or not, but it still is on my nerves.

To Do or Not To Do. That's the question.


  1. I joined your blog! I hope your happy... just kidding! I wanted to keep up-to-date with your blog

  2. Thank you! I am happy! And thanks for commenting! :)


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