
Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Rare Items

Rare Items are items that have a lot of value and can only be found at the Curio Shop. The Curio Shop is found to the right of the WShop in the Kinzville Map. Every hour the shop owner Arte reshelves the store with randomly picked items. Every hour be sure to check Arte's new stockings of items, and if you are lucky enough you might see a Rare Item for sale!

Just like the WShop, you'll need Kinzcash to purchase something in the Curio Shop. Most Rare Items cost more than $1,000 Kinzcash, so make sure you have enough to buy the rare in stores before Arte reshelves his store shelves again!

At 2:00 pm KT (KinzTime), there will be a Rare Item in the Curio Shop-the Ancient Emperor Statue!

This statue cost $9,050 Kinzcash, so be sure you have enough!

This Rare Item is part of the Ancient Civilization room theme. Room Themes are series of items that kinda make a group. For example, the Sweet N' Treat Wallpaper goes with the Candy Theme. Sometimes items don't belong in a theme, like the Ponytail Palm. To find out what theme matches you and/or your pet, go to the WShop and click on ROOM THEMES.

Happy Rares!

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