
Thursday, June 17, 2021


Hey guys! It's been a while! I just thought I'd pop in for a minute and say hello :) I have officially finished my first year of college as of like two months ago lol. What a year! The pandemic is finally ending where I live so I'm hoping my next year will be more of an actual college experience. Anyways, what's new in the world of Animal Jam? How are you all doing?


  1. Wow hey! It's been a good minute since I've been on here or Animal Jam tbh but I got a notification that you had posted and had to come check it out, lol. Life has been so hectic and it's crazy to believe how time has passed by so fast! Like I am going to be a SENIOR! I feel as though I was just in middle school lol. Well thanks for posting on here cuz it gave me a lot of memories of when life was simpler and when I was so obsessed with Animal Jam LOL!

    1. oh my gosh hi!! how are you doing? that's crazy you're gonna be a senior, time flies by so fast! I've also been feeling a little nostalgic for animal jam and blogging lately lol

  2. Hi! I don't play animal jam anymore, so I don't know what's going on there. But I'm glad you're ok :) School just ended yesterday for me.
    Congrats on finishing a year of college!!

    1. oh hey!! congrats on finishing school haha. and thank you!

  3. hey love!! so weird i decided to pop in here, i've been revisiting animal jam for nostalgic purposes, i hope college has been well for you! the pandemic has been very chaotic and has changed my life a lot. it's been nice to revisit animal jam and for a few minutes feel at peace with my childhood self lol. i hope you are able to have a genuinely good college experience next year! i have been doing pretty well and i hope you've been doing the same :) i'm always here if you need me, the phrase "you have a life, live it" will literally always be in the back of my head.

    1. aww nice to hear from you!! your comment made my day!

  4. Heyyo! Same, I'm grateful I'll be able to be back on campus this coming semester... it's been weird to be stuck in my room for so long, but things are getting better :)

    Soooo on Animal Jam right now, the first den item contest in 6 years is happening (yay!) but unfortunately some hackers are spamming lands with bots right now.. it seems to be mostly harmless, but it is definitely weird and annoying

    Thanks for checking back! I hope you have a super great summer ^-^

    1. that is super weird! I don't think that's ever happened before during my time on AJ. I hope you have a good summer as well!!

  5. Howdy! Not much is going on in animal jam... Other than the lazy repeated updates. In fact, for a while it didn't even get WILD WEEKENDS anymore. It's just sad. The community is slowly falling apart and there's a bunch of drama, But at least there's a day/night and weather cycle in AJPW now. How's college been?

    1. that's cool there's a weather cycle in AJPW! I always thought a weather cycle in regular animal jam would have been pretty neat. what drama has been happening besides the predator stuff I've been hearing about? also college has been alright, I'm hoping it'll be a better experience now that covid is dying down in my area

  6. Hey! I haven't been on AJ in a while. I just finished highschool. Now onto further studies! Nice to hear from you

  7. hey I'm back for my checkup lol! (it's penguin/sidney)

    I haven't touched aj in forever. I think my account got hacked haha or the data breach got it, cause I can't even log in anymore. idc though, I don't play it

    I always come back because I think everyone I had here were sure friends even if we don't really talk anymore! Im currently continuing working towards all of the goals I've had, like YouTuber, entrepreneur, and all that, and am trying to decide on a college major. i really, really want to get out of the midwest, and to a coastal city with more opportunities, also because I just love them more lol. i have grown such a desire to change the world lmaooo but I really think I can do it!

    you got any advice for college apps or any college advice in general?? ill be applying this fall

  8. penguin/sidney

    I haven't gotten on aj in SO long lmao! I really think the game is gonna be shutting down within the next two years

    anyways, I've been doing the same stuff lately. I just got adobe creative cloud and have been messing around with premiere pro and photoshop for the past few days.

    im ab to go into my senior year and I feel like I'm running out of time to get the things done that I need to be done! no matter how much you do or work you put in, it just feels like there's never enough time lol!

    got any college tips or college app tips?

  9. Hey, it's cyacheer! Long time no see. I'm about to start my first year of college! I hope things will be better this fall.

  10. Hey I started animal jam class is 2018 or 2017! I know everything from beta days to the animal jam iceberg because I love animal jam so much! I discovered this blog in 2020 you should post more! Man I really like ur username and I’m 10 currently!

  11. omfg you still exist i missed you sooo much how are you?! animal jam has so many new updates: let me fill you in, animal jam is now animal jam classic, animal jam play wild is now just animal jam. there’s a weather cycle, i don’t think you have been off of aj THIS long, but club geoz is now alpha head quarters, and ajpw now has members only items. i hope your doing good!

  12. omfg you still exist i missed you sooo much how are you?! animal jam has so many new updates: let me fill you in, animal jam is now animal jam classic, animal jam play wild is now just animal jam. there’s a weather cycle, i don’t think you have been off of aj THIS long, but club geoz is now alpha head quarters, and ajpw now has members only items. i hope your doing good!

  13. hi! happy (late) new year!!
    hope you're enjoying life :)

  14. omg i'm about to cry, i can't believe ur in college now!!
    i hope ur doing well i haven't played aj at all but i feel super nostalgic right now
    happy new year!

  15. omg omg hi! we used to play animal jam together back in the day - my user was eyetoypuffx and i think (iirc) we had friends together like dewdropreptile as well! (hi dewdrop if you ever see this!)
    i remembered this site existed today as this blog is actually in a youtube video i was watching called 'a deep dive into animal jam' and she flashes up a screenshot of the Whip and i instantly yelled at my computer and said NAFFY! ah how nostalgia hit me in that moment i instantly ran here to see this site again. honestly playing animal jam with you and everyone was such a great part of my childhood - thanks for all the memories and your friendship, i hope you are well and im so glad to hear you're at college! i haven't played the new animal jam as i cant seem to figure out how to correctly install it on my ancient mac but i heard it's still super popular and everything, i'm not really sure what the point of me commenting is but i just wanted to say hi after all these years and i hope you remember me!
    if you wanna watch the vid that i was talking about it is: and timestamp is 32:55; the video has almost a million views too! how cool it was to see a site i loved and someone i used to play aj with on youtube!


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