
Friday, August 11, 2017

Even More AJ Costumes + Sneezy's Gift

Hello everyone, and welcome back to the Animal Jam Whip!

Yesterday, I posted about an Animal Jam bunny costume that you can purchase at local retailers such as Target or online. In my honest opinion, the costume is probably one of the most horrific AJ products that I've ever seen, but the scariness doesn't end there.

An anonymous Jammer commented a link to a website that sells a total of SIX DIFFERENT AJ COSTUMES, including the bunny one! *yelps and hides in a bush*

Put on your safety goggles, kids. This might get a little dangerous.

First up is this wolf costume. The hat actually isn't too bad, nor is the skirt, so I guess it could be worse. Oh, keep in mind that this post is not meant to offend anyone. This is just my personal opinion. :)

Next is the fox costume, or more specifically, the ''Awesome Funny Fox'' costume. The girl in the picture looks a little too happy to be wearing such a thing.

Here's the penguin costume. The little hat is actually VERY similar to the penguin hat that came with the very first Winter AJ Box.

Next is the tiger costume. Truthfully, these just look painful to wear. When I was younger I hated wearing velvety, ruffly, or sequin-y pieces of clothing. I was quite sensitive to touch, and I still am, but not as bad.

Last we have the panda costume. It's not that bad either, I suppose.

What did you guys think of these costumes? Which ones do you like/despise the most?

One more thing before I end today's post. The other day my good friend Sneezy made me this awesome plushie thing in her den for 975,000 views!

The plushies spell out ''975'', if you couldn't tell. :p

Thanks for reading. Happy jamming!


  1. 0-0

    Since AJ is going too far, what are they going to make next? Watches? Phone cases? I mean, I guess it'd be okay, it's just interesting to see AJ merchandise "invading" stores. I'm not going to be too surprised if they make an official store with everything AJ merchandise.


    1. Actually, On there's AJ watches. :P

    2. There is?!?!? 0-0


    3. Hmm. I guess a phone case wouldn't be too bad. For me, anyways! I am obsessed with phone cases for some reason!

  2. Wow! That's so many costumes! Maybe I'll get one this halloween. : P

  3. Aw that's so sweet of Sneezy to do that!

  4. THE FOX ONE LOOKS LIKE A CAT OMG! I sorta like the panda one, but I would NEVER wear any of those. That plushie thing is cool!



    I think AJHQ has been possessed by evil merchandise aliens.. They just gone too far with all this, I think it's an aliens doing. O.O

  6. i dont doubt in a few months AJ will make a IRL Store called Animal Jam Outfitters,it would probably contain all AJ-Related stuff,a question,do these have codes?

    1. I'm not sure. I could see them having codes, but I could also see them not having codes...

  7. I actually feal the same way about fabric like that. I though I was the only one, also there are only two explanations for what the heck is going on with those costumes, 1. The animals are trying to eat those girls alive. 2. These children have been taken over by weird parasitic mushroom thingys, and they are now growing out of their heads. Anyways I should probably stop typing soon, since I can't seem to grammar, also the plushie thing was pretty sweet. It kind of reminded me of all those dens that lead to Zero, welp bye.


  8. O.o AJHQ's going a bit out wack with this merchandising. ~akmlynx

  9. Scared. Also I thought the fox one was a lynx....
    DONT HURT ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    But serioulsy
    these scare me
    the bunny one is the worst

    1. It's okay, they're actually kinda cutesy-looking! But when you add the hat to it... oh my...

  10. eww! man alive! I would not wear those ever!

  11. also, could you please check out me blog?

  12. I 'ended.' At least that's what they say in AJ. I knew this was coming... A bunny, now the other 5 original animals. I was wondering if there was a penguin one before I saw this.

  13. Ok, so I guess they don't look THHHAHAAAAAT bad.. I mean, they could be worse. My favorite is the panda because it doesn't look too much or wild and crazy. I still really dont like the hats much. ON halloween what if its warm out. You don't wanna wear a stocking hat.... so you cant take it off either because nobody will know what you are! Animal jam should just make costumes that look like onsies. so u get the full affect

  14. And you're not alone, I also hate ruffly and sequiny clothes. Sequins... poke me. So do ruffles. And glitter falls everywhere. I played the piano while wearing my Halloween costume last year.. and glitter was on the piano bench for months.

    1. Oh my gosh, I totally agree with you! They're way too ruffly and itchy for my liking.


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