
Tuesday, May 31, 2016

ievyn's Contest + Twilight Art

My friend ievyn is hosting a lil' contest. All you need to do is draw a masterpiece by Sunday and gift it to her. Then there will be a vote and the winners will get prizes. ^.^ Oh, and all masterpieces will be given back!

Also, I drew this yesterday:

It's the book cover of the first book of Twilight. It took a long time, because fingers are hard to draw for me. :P What do you think?

Bye Jammers!


  1. I will try to remember to enter that art contest! And that art's amazing, I CANNOT draw hands. I've never read twilight myself, I prefer the Hunger games but then you don't know until you read something I guess.

    1. I've never read Twilight or the Hunger Games!

    2. Oh lol, I assumed you were drawing it because you'd read it recently (I normally go through stages of doing obsessive fanart) XD my mistake

  2. Thanks naf!!!!
    Ps. prizes will be given next Wednesday!

  3. Omg that's such a good drawing!!

  4. That looks awesome Nafi!-cheer

  5. I need to try Twilight by now lol. Nice drawing though! Twilight book covers are confusing in my opinion. How do apples have anything to do with vampires? XD The art competition sounds cool. My membership ran out so I'm gonna have to make one from my sister's account.

  6. Is ievyn's AJ ievyn? We can send it directly to her, right?

  7. The drawing is awesome! I don't think I'm going to enter the contest, because it takes a LONG time for the artwork to get approved.

  8. What did you draw it on?


  9. Wow! REALLY good art! Also, my project i made you is taking a little longer than i hoped, but i think you will like!! I won't say what it is though, just to leave some surprise ;P

  10. ooo I'm getting a drawing tablet soon and I cannot wait to enter :D Thanks Nafaria XD

    1. Haha, I'm getting a drawing tablet soon too, Pinpun!! :)


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