
Saturday, June 6, 2015

How-To Do the Spring Bunny Glitch

Too many people know how to do this glitch already, and there are some videos out there that explain the steps to it, so why not share it with you guys?

1: Change into your Spring Bunny.

2: Switch to an underwater den.

3: Quickly change into another water-only animal. While you are doing this, immediately switch to a land den.

4: When you know you've done it right, your bunny will be frozen.

5: Open up the customization menu and change your pattern to any color you like. If you want black flowers, do NOT have a pattern. If you want magenta flowers, DO have a pattern. The color of the two other flowers is based on the color you choose for your pattern.

6: Now refresh, and voila! Your pattern is glitched!


  1. Wish I had a spring bunny.... :)

  2. My mom may be getting me a membership tonight so I can get a spring bunny!

    1. how do u get a spring bunny with the memberships???

    2. It was a temporary gift, but hopefully AJHQ brings them back with more color choices!


  3. OMG I did it! Thank you so much! This is my new Animal Jam "go-to" website!

  4. OMG I did it! Thank you so much! This is my new Animal Jam "go-to" website.

  5. Replies
    1. what an awesome glitch! i got one issue though, if you can help me with, i cant get the black flowers! O.o i tried to not pick any patterns but it doesnt work :/

    2. OMG I wasn't able to do it :(

  6. sorry i just didnt do it correctly my bad now my spring bunny looks good my aj is pea81866

  7. how do you get the black flowers ? mine wont work for that part :/

  8. what? how u get black flowers?!

    1. i don't have a spring bunny yet but i will try to get 1 or 2

    2. hi! could anyone get me spring bunny i would have 1 with name and 1 that is named spring bunny username bearpop8 :D

  9. cri123 how do you do the no eyes glitch it wont work for me

  10. I know how to get the black flower pattern, you need to switch into a shark once the den is switched.

  11. Dude! I tried this with a polar bear, and it got rid of my bunny and replaced it exactly as my polar bear! So now I have two exact same polar bears! XD

  12. Not working for me... I tried this various times, and it still isn't working. I used two accounts for this, since I'm not fast enough to switch quickly between animals and the den. So I did exactly as it is said, but when I close the tab for my non-member account and reload the page for my member account, it always switches to my non-member account and when I log back onto my member, it is just the plain white bunny. I will keep trying!

  13. I wonder, will the spring bunny ever come back? In the year I'm in, I believe the spring bunny isn't available for me... :'(

  14. i want spring bunny i am non member

  15. it didnt work omg why no glitch ever worked on my coumputer WHY! ugh it didnt work

  16. i also know how to put patterns on there do regular steps but put pattern on if u want to see im tomatowolves

  17. I don't have a spring bunny, but thanks i really like this this blog, and you helped me out o another glitch too Thanks!

  18. It's still works, but I tried a different trick to get it


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