
Tuesday, February 17, 2015

The Ash Wednesday Challenge (Lent)

Hello Jammers! Today is Mardi Gras, which in French means Fat Tuesday. It's the holiday celebrated all across Europe (and of course New Orleans, Louisiana) where people pig out on rich, fatty foods right before Lent. Oh, and there are masquerade balls and parades, too. :3

You may be wondering, what is Lent?

Well, Lent is a religious (Catholic, if you're wondering, but that's besides the point), six-week-long season where people give up something for 40 days. It is a time to reflect on what Jesus Christ did for us: his suffering, his sacrifice, his life, his miracles, his death, his burial, and his resurrection. It's not a time to focus on other worldly things.

Whether you are religious or not, I challenge you to participate in Lent. Give up something that might be good for your benefit. If you're addicted to social media, maybe you could give up Instagram or something.

Don't do something stupid like give up showering for Lent. No one will ever want to come near you again after that. >.<

For Lent, I've decided to stop eating gluten. We'll see how far I can get without devouring wheat. o3o

If you haven't come up with something, you could ask your parents or friends for ideas. Ooooh, I know a good one many of us could try.



I couldn't do it, though. I wish I could. :P

Anyway, you'd better start thinking, because Lent begins TOMORROW, February 18th. That's right - tomorrow! Tomorrow is called Ash Wednesday. Lent ends on April 12th.

Good luck, Jammers! Lent is an optional challenge, but if you want to participate, you definitely should! ^.^


  1. My friend is with you on your challenge! But, she is allergic to gluten. But its kinda the same, right?

    1. Well, if she's already allergic to gluten, that wouldn't really count. I'd choose something else if I were her ;)

  2. Nope. Not much in the world makes me happy. Kids at school ignore me, no kids at home, I learnt to survive on what I had. I know i sound greedy but seriously Naf, I told you what happened.
    P.S. If I did that my parents would be confused. I did that 2 years ago and almost whent mad.

    1. Why would they be mad or confused..?

    2. They weren't mad I was insane and why do something that made me crazy last time? Although I may give up dark chcolate. Whenever I eat it I feel sick

  3. I'm sorry but when you said they wouldn't wanna get near you ever again I kinda laughed a bit....

  4. I so could not give up aj for 40 days that would be really hard XD

  5. I can't give up animal jam for 40 days that would be too much XD I don't know what to give up though XD

  6. I guess I could give up AJ for 40 days, but I already quit anyways. XD I'm not so sure on what to give up though. My iPhone? Nevah!! My iPod? Nevah!! My Kindlefire? Nevah!! :P X3

  7. Okay, so before you read my comment, please let me tell you that this is NOT meant to be offensive in any way and that I know that Lent can also be something that people with other religions do.
    Okay, so I myself am atheist, but I have nothing against religion/religious people. And I know that this may sound stupid, but in French schools, you aren't allowed to show your religion. Why? To not influence other people into thinking that one religion is better then another, which is absolutely false. By writing about Lent and Jesus, you are subconsiously making people believe they should catholic. I know this isn't your intention, but if you keep on posting about catholicism, people who view this blog may start believing catholicism is the religion they have to follow. It has been scientifically proven that if something is repeated, the human brain will believe that something (IE, the way propaganda works).
    So please refrain from posting about religion, Jesus, God, etc., for the reasons I stated above. If you do continue, it's fine, it's your right, but please remember what I said.
    Again, this was not meant to offense you and/or you religion.

    1. It didn't offend me :) I just thought Lent would be something fun to try whether you're religious or not. I'm not even Catholic myself...

    2. I agree. I go to a catholic school but don't really participate in mass and religion class. Not saying God isn't real but if he is why do people kill themselves and there is poverty?
      Ps. Please. Don't be offended if you believe I Him, I'm really just trying to see all sides of the story.... Plus the really catholic kids in my school tell pro choice people to die which I think is too harsh? Aren't we all allowed to have our opinions?

    3. @Naffy

      I will just put it like this: there is no good without evil. I myself believe there should be a certain amount of what we consider the "Bad" in the world
      Again this is my opinion and everyone has their own opinions but of course only the higher-up's opinions count
      //my older sister actually goes to a catholic school and only one person in her class is religious and that one person is a protestant lolololol

    4. So wait my opinion doesn't count?!?!

    5. Of course it does XD
      ///but you know the governments do a bunch of secret stuff without our say

    6. So its to prevent 911 sorry if i seem harsh I found out less then a half hour ago well not supposed to talk about it. I'll just say a friend is in the hospitable

  8. This may sound stupid, but... I'm gonna give up on NUTELLA. O.O Yeah, it's stupid...


    P.S. Lent ends on the day after my b-day, so I guess I'll have to survive without Nutella until then...

  9. I can give uo AJ for 40 days. No joke.


  10. I'm kinda an atheist/agnostic born into a Catholic family who goes to a Catholic school so I guess I'll give up being pessimistic and procrastination :3


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