
Monday, September 15, 2014

White Tigers- What They Have To Suffer

Tigers are really cool creatures- especially white tigers.

Unfortunately, there's more negative sides than positive sides of these wondrous cats.

Despite their beauty, there's something a lot of us don't quite understand.

Let's do some myth busting here.

1. White Tigers are just Siberian Tigers with a very rare color of fur.

This myth is a foolish story. White tigers get their fur through a genetic mutation that causes a condition called leucism. Leucistic animals are similar to albino animals, in that the pigment in their bodies did not fill in where it should have. Interestingly, leucism in tigers usually occurs among Bengal tigers and not among Siberian tigers.

2. White Tigers inhabit the wildernesses- born and bred.

Again, this myth is inncorrect. There is NO place in the world where white tigers naturally inhabit. In fact, for a tiger, being white in the wild is a distinct disadvantage. Without the typical orange and black pattern to provide proper camouflage, a tiger cannot depend on a surprise attack on its prey. That makes it extremely difficult to eat. The black and orange coloring is crucial to a tiger's survival.

For this reason, no legitimate association or organization has any plans to release white tigers into the wild. Some people think that releasing them is acceptable, simply because so many of us find the white tigers beautiful. But we must understand the truthful ways of the white tiger.

The terribly sad thing about these tigers is that they were NOT born and bred in the wild, but in captivity, which means they STAY in captivity for the rest of their lives. They are purposely inbred in captivity to meet the demand of paying public. The kind of severe inbreeding that is required to produce the mutation of a white coat also causes a number of defects, such as:

-Cross-eyed eyes, even though they might not appear to be cross-eyed.
-The optic nerve is wired on the wrong side of the brain.
-They are born with awkward teeth that go in all different directions.
-They suffer from club feet.
-They suffer from cleft palates.
-They suffer from spinal deformities.
-And lastly they suffer from defective organs.

These amazing felines are suffering from so much already, but that's not the end of it. Each year white tiger cubs are sold for thousands of dollars. Our fascination with white tigers is a poor reason to continue inbreeding them.

I hope that suited you for the night. Pink has my permission to post this on her Animal Rights Society blog.

I leave you with a picture that sums up all I have said- er, typed.


  1. Oh my goodness! Those poor creatures. i have a statement.

    Due to their disabilities, many live a small, depressing life. Tigers have feelings just like us, they are living creatures. These breeders are considered Backyard Breeders. Backyard Breeders are not responsible breeders. Often, backyard breeders and only breed these precious and rare creatures for profit, and their offspring are so called, cute. They don't do it to better the species, they do it for money and pleasure.

    Usually a backyard breeder's home is in poor condition. They provide small cages and crates for these large animals. The animal can barely fit in these cages. Why? Because the breeders don't care one bit.

    Tigers, or any wild species should not be bred for any reason. They can do it themselves in their wild habitat. Zoos often breed for profit, yet rescues breed to better the species. But, I don't agree with any of this. Why? Because it isn't necessary.

    Image if the animal was you. You are in terrible pain, often sick. Why are you like this? Because you have a mutation. White tigers are NEVER seen in the wild. Why? Because they aren't naturally born with this coat. Sure, you see white lions, but this is a natural mutation. They are albinos, yet white tigers are not.

    Thank you for reading.

    Love and hugs,


  2. I know, in school, we learned about this. They are highly endangered. Oh, and in the zoo today, we saw some Siberian tigers -in cages. Poor creatures. :(

  3. It really disgusts me that people force animals to breed for money :(

    (though I do that in tunnel town, sooo...)

    1. i know humans or so stupid some times

  4. Sumatran tigers also. Only about 400 or 500 left in the world.

  5. The breeders don't even care one bit if a tiger is in pain. Poor tigers.


  6. When I went to the zoo, I saw one of I think 7 rhinoee in the world. Except it was a TYPE of rhino, a black rhino I think. Sad, hm?

    I knew that white tigers we

  7. Stupid brother. >:( He pressed publish before I was done with my comment. Anyway, white tiegrs are beautiful, but have a horrifying story behind them. :'(


    yay, the white tigers' plight is finally realized!

    Most people who know me irl, and a few online, realize that im OBSESSED with tigers. Any kind. I know more about tigers than 10 tiger experts combined. I am less obsessed than i used to be, (and thus have forgotten some facts), but, i still greatly admire them. My pillow cases are tiger striped, my comforter, and my sheets. I have a giant tiger that sits on my bed. (stuffed). they have been my favorite animal for as long as i can remember. At the age of 3, i taught myself to read so that i could learn more about tigers. I am a tiger for halloween almost every year. Whenever i go to camps, my nature name is tigerlily. Obsessed, much? ;) i thought so.

    anyway, i am glad to see that someone is recognizing that not only are they extremely beautiful, they are extremely important, and have feelings too. Did you know that they will probably be extinct by 2020? It makes me so sad to know that my kids will never get to see them. Anyway, thanks for writing this post!...

    - rascal

    i linked this to a website about someone who was holding a fake "tiger rescue", really a tiger prison. :shudders:

  9. Thanks Naffy, you deleted the "The Taco Way" post. We have to stick to the plan, remember? Actually, I'm not really good at sticking to plans, but anyways. XD

  10. -.-


    P.S the whole reason I never log on.

  11. :'(

    I have some plush white tigers, and I never knew that.

    Poor tiggies

  12. So sad.... But I don't want them to go extinct!

    I don't want any animal to go extinct! *EXCEPTION: MOSQUITOS CAN GO EXTINCT* My great uncle died from a mosquito bite... :'(


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