
Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Snow Cannon

Hello! Sorry, I slept in on accident. I had a very strange dream, with baby chicks and avalanches. O_O

This is today's returning item is the incredible snow cannon. Very impressive. Reminds me of me-BOOM! XD

To end this very short post I'll give you a funny picture to laugh over:

Hehe! Black herons are funny. :P

Asta la Vista!



  1. Ll! Ilove the cannon.

  2. You know what's funny? I used to think that Nafaria was your real name until I found out it's some evil fairy in Webkinz XD

    1. XD

      I like the word Nafaria. It would make a good name.... I think. :P

      I don't really like my name in real. It just seems to... bleh.


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