
Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Skiing Screens

*cough, cough* Hello Jammers. Yes, I have caught a fever. >.< My brother, lego45, needs to be less welcoming to the flu, because now all 3 kids are sick. Real great, lego. :I

Today's new item is some skis for your den.

They're pretty neat. I wonder what they'd look like on animals if they were a clothing item. XD

Since I have no other idea of what to talk about, let's talk about the change of Animal Jam's home screens.

Above is the first AJ home screen. Of course it was the home screen during Beta. :P

After a while the home screen changed to this screen. I love that cute frog on the Play Now button! I joined AJ while this was the home screen. 

Finally oceans came to Jamaa, and the home screen changed. When the oceans arrived I bought a dolphin and tried my best to make it look like the dolphin on this screen. :3 (picture from AJ Spirit)

This was the home screen when lions and giraffes wandered into Animal Jam. I think. o3o (picture from AJ Spirit)

Now to our home screen today. I wish there could be more home screens, because we've had this one for a while.

That's the whip! My head hurts now.


  1. 3 days till my birthday! also i wish they would make a new screen too.-cyacheer

  2. hope u feel better nafi :D

  3. Being sick is terrible. =_= Hope you feel better soon! And a change of homescreen would be cool! :3


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