
Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Scarves, Graphics, and Danger

Hi Jammers! Tomorrow is Thanksgiving! Whoo-hoo! Today's new item is a Striped Scarf, perfect for the Jamaalidays!

I wish it were for Non-Members! :(

Also, I wonder if they'll bring Jamaaliday Scarves back. Those were for Non-Members, and they were great! 

Also, the new poll is going up on the side of the blog. Be sure to vote within 3 days!

Here's some extra-special graphics I got for you guys:

And I even now introduce the new Cheetah Background, perfect for desktops, laptops, and blogs. ^.^ These graphics will be placed on the graphics tab. :)

Also, I have a very sad tale to tell:


Alright, well, that's all for today. Be sure to listen to me whistle in the post below! :P


  1. Airlec told me, too.
    Evil hackers!!!!! >.<

  2. I am so sorry I wasn't talking... I was mute!

  3. O-O
    Change your account username, nafi! Do it to something like nafaria19 or NafariaLeWitch... I changed mine two times by contacting AJHQ by e-mail! I was probably one of the first jammers to do that...
    Poor airlec DDDDD: I was hacked two times already (no it isn't the reason why I changed my username that was because I got bored of my old ones XD)

    Le Sweg Queen ~

  4. don't change yah user nafi. just change your pass like every week or so. also cool new item!-cyacheer


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